What Does a Book Coach Do?

What Does a Book Coach Do?

A Book Coach is like your personal trainer for writing your book. As a book coach, I help struggling nonfiction writers get unstuck and write books that shine!

A Book Coach helps writers by:

  • guiding them in starting their book when they don't know how to begin

  • guiding them in finishing their book when they've gotten stuck in the middle

  • guiding them in revising their book when they're overwhelmed with the reviion process

  • guiding them in writing an entire book, from start to finish

  • creating a writing schedule for accountability and momentum

  • providing manageable writing assignments and helpful feedback on them

  • advising on publishing options for and the marketability of their book in its genre

  • guiding them in crafting a book proposal and query letter

  • encouraging them when they get discouraged

  • cheering for them when they reach their writing goals and achieve their publishing dreams!

Writing a book is HARD work. I know, I've done it! It's easy to get bogged down with overwhelm, self-doubt, busyness, and imposter syndrome, which then leads you down the spiral of procrastination and avoidance, which makes you feel even WORSE. It's hard to let your soul's voice flow under so much stress and inner chatter.

But with a Book Coach in your corner, you won't be doing it alone! You'll always have guidance so you'll confidently know how to best proceed with your book, and you'll always have encouragement from someone who believes in YOU. I wrote a book, so I know YOU can too.

As a book coach, I meet nonfiction writers like you at any stage of your writing journey to help you produce a complete manuscript. I can also offer your already-completed manuscript a developmental edit and coach you through your revision process afterward.

To see if we're a good fit, use the Contact form on this website by clicking the button at the bottom of this page to email your book idea to me, and we can schedule a zoom chat to talk about it. Coaching spots are filling up, so message me soon to secure yours.

Happy Writing!

Erin R Lund, nonfiction book coach